GeoRSS feed - Traffic Sensor Stations

The GeoRSS feed can be accessed via the following URL: http://www.vdotdatasharing.org/GeoRSS/TSSData The feed contains the following fields:

Field Description Example
title Includes the full Detector name TSS Sim Device 209 Lane 1
description Contains the information, volume, occupancy, and speed values of this detector Volume: 3198
Occupancy: 84
Speed: 11
Route Name: I-64
Lane Number: 1
Lane Type: Normal
Lane Direction: E
Mile Marker: 0.0
Node Id: 1
Updated At: Dec 11, 2012 10:46:12 AM
link This is a link to the XML message for this detector http://www.vdotdatasharing.org/xmldb/TssDetectorStatus/NOVA-TSS-79148
georss:point This is the GIS location of the detector 37.49080 -79.48948

XML Database Record

The XML database record can be accessed via the following URL: http://www.vdotdatasharing.org/xmldb/TssDetectorStatus/sender_id where sender_id is the id for the specific traffic sensor. The following is an example of the XML record:

<orci:stationList xmlns:tmdd="http://www.tmdd.org/3/messages" xmlns:orci="http://www.openroadsconsulting.org/detector"> <orci:station> <orci:inventory> <detector-station-inventory-header> <organization-information> <organization-id>VDOT</organization-id> </organization-information> <device-id>NOVA-TSS-79148</device-id> <device-location> <latitude>38020767</latitude> <longitude>-79303659</longitude> </device-location> <device-name>TSS Sim Device 209</device-name> <link-name>I-64</link-name> <link-direction>E</link-direction> <linear-reference>0</linear-reference> <last-update-time> <date>20121211</date> <time>104004</time> <offset>-0500</offset> </last-update-time> </detector-station-inventory-header> <detector-list> <detector> <detector-inventory-header> <device-id>NOVA-TSS-79148-1</device-id> <device-name>TSS Sim Device 209 E Normal Lane 1</device-name> <device-description>Normal</device-description> <node-id>1</node-id> <link-direction>E</link-direction> </detector-inventory-header> <detection-lanes> <lanes>1</lanes> </detection-lanes> </detector> <detector> <detector-inventory-header> <device-id>NOVA-TSS-79148-2</device-id> <device-name>TSS Sim Device 209 E Normal Lane 2</device-name> <device-description>Normal</device-description> <node-id>1</node-id> <link-direction>E</link-direction> </detector-inventory-header> <detection-lanes> <lanes>2</lanes> </detection-lanes> </detector> <detector> <detector-inventory-header> <device-id>NOVA-TSS-79148-3</device-id> <device-name>TSS Sim Device 209 W Normal Lane 3</device-name> <device-description>Normal</device-description> <node-id>1</node-id> <link-direction>W</link-direction> </detector-inventory-header> <detection-lanes> <lanes>3</lanes> </detection-lanes> </detector> <detector> <detector-inventory-header> <device-id>NOVA-TSS-79148-4</device-id> <device-name>TSS Sim Device 209 W Normal Lane 4</device-name> <device-description>Normal</device-description> <node-id>1</node-id> <link-direction>W</link-direction> </detector-inventory-header> <detection-lanes> <lanes>4</lanes> </detection-lanes> </detector> </detector-list> </orci:inventory> <orci:data> <detector-list> <detector-data-detail> <detector-id>NOVA-TSS-79148-1</detector-id> <vehicle-count>3321</vehicle-count> <vehicle-occupancy>82</vehicle-occupancy> <vehicle-speed>75</vehicle-speed> <start-time> <date>20121211</date> <time>103904</time> <offset>-0500</offset> </start-time> <end-time> <date>20121211</date> <time>104004</time> <offset>-0500</offset> </end-time> </detector-data-detail> <detector-data-detail> <detector-id>NOVA-TSS-79148-2</detector-id> <vehicle-count>1792</vehicle-count> <vehicle-occupancy>53</vehicle-occupancy> <vehicle-speed>3</vehicle-speed> <start-time> <date>20121211</date> <time>103904</time> <offset>-0500</offset> </start-time> <end-time> <date>20121211</date> <time>104004</time> <offset>-0500</offset> </end-time> </detector-data-detail> <detector-data-detail> <detector-id>NOVA-TSS-79148-3</detector-id> <vehicle-count>2723</vehicle-count> <vehicle-occupancy>41</vehicle-occupancy> <vehicle-speed>1</vehicle-speed> <start-time> <date>20121211</date> <time>103904</time> <offset>-0500</offset> </start-time> <end-time> <date>20121211</date> <time>104004</time> <offset>-0500</offset> </end-time> </detector-data-detail> <detector-data-detail> <detector-id>NOVA-TSS-79148-4</detector-id> <vehicle-count>3968</vehicle-count> <vehicle-occupancy>93</vehicle-occupancy> <vehicle-speed>47</vehicle-speed> <start-time> <date>20121211</date> <time>103904</time> <offset>-0500</offset> </start-time> <end-time> <date>20121211</date> <time>104004</time> <offset>-0500</offset> </end-time> </detector-data-detail> </detector-list> </orci:data> </orci:station> </orci:stationList>

The following data elements are represented in the XML message:

7organization-idThe organization responsible for this sensor
9device-idThe id of the station
11latitudeThe detector's latitude in millionth of degrees
12longitudeThe detector's longitude in millionth of degrees
15link-nameThe roadway on which the detector is located
17linear-referenceThe milemarker where the detector is located
19dateThe date for the detector update in yyymmdd format
20timeThe time for the detector status update in hhmmss format
21offsetThe time zone offset time in hhmm format
28device-nameThe detector's name
29device-descriptionThe lane type that the detector monitors. For Hampton Roads Sensor Stations, a value of Aggregate defines an average of speed data from the number of lanes defined in the lanes element.
31link-directionThe direction of travel associated with the detector
34lanesThe lane number that the detector monitors
79vehicle-countThe volume of the lane
80vehicle-occupancyThe occupancy of the lane as a percentage
81vehicle-speedThe speed of the lane in miles per hour
82start-timeThe start time of the period for the detector status update in hhmmss format
87end-timeThe end time of the period for the detector status update in hhmmss format

WMS-C Layer

The WMS-C layer can be accessed using the following parameters:

Service http://www.vdotdatasharing.org/geowebcache/service/wms
Layer tss_detector_status
Format image/png
Tile Size 256x256
SRS EPSG:900913

WFS Layer

The WFS layer can be accessed here. The feed contains the following fields:

Field Description Example
orci:detectorid This is the detector id as assigned by the sender NOVA-TSS-79148-1
orci:stationid This is the station id as assigned by the sender NOVA-TSS-79148
orci:v7_detectorid This is the historical detector id as assigned by the sender NOVA-TSS-79148-1
orci:v7_stationid This is the historical station id as assigned by the sender NOVA-TSS-79148
orci:device_name This is the name of the station as assigned by the sender TSS Sim Device 209 W Normal Lane 4
orci:lane_direction This is the direction of travel of the lane that the detector monitors E
orci:lanetype This is the type of lane that the detector monitors Normal
orci:lanenum This is the number of the lane that the detector monitors 1
orci:last_updated This is the last time the detector has been updated 2012-01-05T18:00:00Z
orci:mile_marker This is the mile marker where the detector is located 0.0
orci:occupancy This is the occupancy of the lane 49
orci:routename This is the route name on which the detector is located I-95
orci:speed This is the speed of the lane in miles per hour 41
orci:the_geom This is the location of the detector <gml:Point srsDimension="2" srsName="urn:x-ogc:def:crs:EPSG:4326"><gml:pos>37.490801 -79.489489</gml:pos><gml:Point>
orci:volume This is the volume of the lane 1929
orci:sample_period The period of time in seconds that elpased when measuring lane data. A value of -1 indicates that the detector is not currently reporting it's sample period. 60