GeoRSS feed - DMS Sign Active
The GeoRSS feed can be accessed via the following URL: The feed contains the following fields:Field | Description | Example |
title | Includes the sign name and its display status | Sign NOVACMS69112 is on |
description | This is the message currently displayed on the sign | [pt40o0][jp3][jl3] 63 |
link | This is a link to the XML message for this sign | |
georss:point | This is the GIS location of the sign | 37.14155 -76.53057 |
XML Database Record
The XML database record can be accessed via the following URL: where sender_id is the id for the specific sign. The following is an example of the XML record:
<ns1:incidentDescription xmlns:ns2="http://www.dummy-local-address" xmlns:ns1="http://www.dummy-im-address" xmlns:ns4="http://www.dummy-atis-address" xmlns:ns3="http://www.dummy-lrms-address" xmlns:ns5="http://www.dummy-itis-address" xmlns:ns6="http://www.dummy-jxdd-address" xmlns:ns7="http://www.dummy-tmdd-address" xmlns:ns8="http://www.dummy-ntcip-address">
<ns1:role>event Management</ns1:role>
<ns1:status>confirmed report</ns1:status>
<ns7:device-id>RTB5 - VA-168N MM 14.85 - 64</ns7:device-id>
<ns7:device-name>RTB5 - VA-168N MM 14.85 - 64</ns7:device-name>
The following data elements are represented in the XML message
Line | Field | Description |
3 | senderIncidentID | The sender's identifier for this DMS sign |
8 | latitude | The sign's latitude in millionths of degrees |
9 | longitude | The sign's longitude in millionths of degrees |
15 | idAlpha | The roadway on which the sign is located |
19 | miDec | The roadway milemarker where the sign is located |
21 | travelDirection | The roadway travel direction that the sign faces |
72 | date | The date for this DMS status update in yyymmdd format |
73 | time | The time for this DMS status update in hhmmss format |
74 | offset | The time zone offset time in hhmm format |
79 | device-id | The device id for this sign as assigned by the sender |
80 | dms-device-status | The current device status. Values are "on" or "off" |
81 | dms-current-message | The current message being displayed on the sign |
82 | device-name | The device name for this sign as assigned by the sender |
WMS-C Layer
The WMS-C layer can be accessed using the following parameters
Service | |
Layer | dms_sign_active |
Format | image/png |
Tile Size | 256x256 |
SRS | EPSG:900913 EPSG:4326 |
WFS Layer
The WFS layer can be accessed here. The feed contains the following fields:
Field | Description | Example |
orci:sender_id | This is the sender's Id for this sign. This is unique among all signs reporting status | NOVACMS59373 |
orci:device_id | This is the sender's device id | RTB3 - I-264W - 64 |
orci:device_name | This is the sender's name for the device | RTB3 - I-264W - 64 |
orci:device_status | This is the display status of the sign. Values are "on" or "off" | on |
orci:status_at | This is the date/time of the status update | 2012-03-01T21:02:56Z |
orci:current_message | This is the current message on the sign. It is in NTCIP MULTI format | [pt40o0][jp3][jl3] 35 |
orci:route_name | This is the route on which the sign is located | I-264 |
orci:mile_marker | This is the mile marker where the sign is located | 14.1 |
orci:travel_direction | This is the side of the road on which the sign is located | west |
orci:datagateway_oid | This is an internal control value | OpenCMS1512-NOVACMS59373 |
orci:v7_datagateway_oid | This is an historical internal control value. | OpenCMS1512-NOVACMS59373 |
orci:datagateway_domain | This is an internal control value | NovaSTC |
orci:the_geom | This is the location of the sign | <gml:Point srsDimension="2" srsName="urn:x-ogc:def:crs:EPSG:4326"><gml:pos>36.84875 -76.010765</gml:pos></gml:Point> |